Stop me if you've heard this one before, but a company has created a working, honest-to-god-it's-real hoverboard. It's called "Slide," and it's made by Lexus.
There's not much information about it aside from a microsite, a promotional video, and a few photos of the thing. The marketing stunt is part of a broader art-meets-technology type of campaign currently being run by the company. The Slide site says the board creates "frictionless movement" using magnetic levitation. Inside the board you'd find magnets, it says, some of which are liquid nitrogen-cooled superconducting.
Ever since they hit the mainstream consumer market in the late 2000s, SSDs have proven to be one of the most popular upgrades and add-on options for new systems. If you’ve used one, it’s easy to see why. The gap between the speed of the CPU and the speed of traditional spinning media is so huge, systems that are far too old for gaming or high-end business tasks still benefit from faster storage. SSDs have advanced at a fairly rapid clip over the last six years, including the recent debut of 3D NAND, which promises to significantly improve SSD density over the next 5-7 years. Unfortunately, these improvements have also hatched a cottage industry of rather radical claims regarding what’s possible in the longer term.
Good news, sufferers of chronic disease! North Korean scientists have made the medical discovery of the millennium: an actual panacea that really does cure everything!
Pick a malady. Go ahead, pick one. Whatever you picked, the team’s highly scientifical study conclusively proved that the wonder drug — called Kumdang-2 — can defeat it. Cancer and AIDS don’t stand a chance. 56% of AIDS patients trialled experienced “complete cure” and the remaining 44% were “substantially cured” (whatever that means). They don’t offer up specific numbers on cancer patients, though the “survival rate was high” among those receiving Kumdang-2.
Ever since Edward Snowden began to leak details on the mass surveillance programs of the NSA and other government agencies, there’s been an ongoing debate over the nature and limits that should be placed on such surveillance. One of the most troubling trends exposed in repeated leaks is the degree to which the government has exceeded the enormous authority granted it by the Patriot Act and other legislation. New information, available today, is going to reignite that argument. Days after the Senate voted to reauthorize the Patriot Act with some modest modifications, details have leaked on how the Obama Administration authorized the NSA to search the Internet for evidence of malicious hacking, even when there were no obvious ties between the alleged hackers and any international groups.
Carnegie Mellon researchers have authored a study on how website blocks impact consumer behavior, and whether such actions can be used to reduce content piracy. The group’s findings indicate that website blocking does reduce overall piracy rates — but only if the blocks are comprehensive and target a large number of sites in a short period of time. This is the first study of its kind to rely on measurements of consumer behavior as opposed to aggregate market data, and as such, it should offer a more accurate window into how these bans and restrictions actually impact content consumption.
When the US Bureau of Industry and Security published how it plans to implement the sections on hacking technologies in a global weapons trade pact called the Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) last week, it ignited an online firestorm of meltdowns, freakouts, and vicious infighting within the most respected circles of hacking and computer security. That's because the new rules change the classification of intrusion software and Internet Protocol (IP) network communications surveillance -- setting in motion a legal machine that might see penetration-testing tools, exploits and zero-days criminalized.