Apple has unveiled the latest 10.10.3 version of its OS X Yosemite operating system for Macs, and as far as these things go, it’s a pretty big one. It’s also just in time for the new 12-inch Apple MacBook’s official release this Friday. For starters, OS X Yosemite v10.10.3 includes the new Photos app, which replaces the old and clunky iPhoto and lets you browse photos by time and location in several new views. You can also store all of your photos in iCloud Photo Library in their original format and resolution, and access them from any Apple mobile device or via
It’s no consolation to former Aperture users — or current Lightroom users for that matter — but the Photos app also introduces some pretty ingenious, consumer-level tweaking for photos based on slider adjustments, similar to what iOS 8.2 currently offers iPhone and iPad owners.
Otherwise, the new desktop OS X 10.10.3 includes Spotlight suggestions for Look Up, some Safari stability and privacy updates, and improved Bluetooth connection reliability. There are also several listed fixes for what has turned out to be a huge problem with current Yosemite Macs: Wireless stability. To wit, Apple says 10.10.3 does the following:
- Improves Wi-Fi performance and connectivity in various usage scenarios
- Improves compatibility with captive Wi-Fi network environments
Many reports around the Internet are rife with complaints about the Wi-Fi performance of Apple devices running Yosemite, and both 10.10.1 and 10.10.2 included unspecified Wi-Fi fixes at the top of the list of new features each time. Is the third time a charm? We’ll soon find out.
On the business side of things, the new 10.10.3 version also fixes an issue that causes Macs bound to an Active Directory server to become unresponsive on boot-up, and has a few other enterprise-level patches as well.
To update to the latest OS, use the Updates pane of the Mac App Store to check for the latest version of OS X, along with any other software updates that are available.
You can also download the installer manually from Apple Support Downloads. As always, we recommend a backup USB key with the OS in case something goes south and you need to start over. Time Machine also offers this, but despite what anyone says, Macs do slow down over time like Windows machines, and occasional clean installs still can help sort out persistent issues that resist all other troubleshooting.
Your VB Kid
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