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Microsoft's personal voice assistant for Windows Phone, Cortana, is not currently in line for a port to iOS and Android, despite hints suggesting otherwise this week.
The lead developer on the project, Microsoft's Marcus Ash has moved to clarify the feature's future after earlier this week admitting Microsoft is "actively talking about" unleashing the Siri rival on other platforms.
In a series of tweets posted over the weekend, Ash reaffirmed that establishing the product on Windows Phone is the company's only focus right now, with a potential expansion to Windows 8 a possibility.
He wrote: "Our top priority is to make Cortana great for Windows Phone customers. Get her out to more countries, continuing to push innovation."
Microsoft first
He followed that up with: "Real plan is about Cortana on Windows Phone. Make it so good that Windows Phone customers get everyone they know on Windows Phone."Ash added that once Microsoft has established the platform on Windows Phone, it will consider a roll out for Windows devices, ensuring more Microsoft customers get to experience 'her.'
He said regardless of the possibilities of an expansion to other platforms, the best experience will always be on Microsoft devices.
So, with that being said, we should all probably calm down about the possibility Cortana hitting iOS and Android anytime soon. Not that many folks were that worked up about it in the first place...
Source: TechRadar
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