The biggest carrot Adobe used to lure its customers to the cloud when it moved to a subscription-only model for its creative tools was aggressive first-year pricing. For many of us who made the jump, that year is about over — meaning the Creative Suite will cost $600 per year. In the meantime, Adobe has introduced a much less expensive option for photographers, with Photoshop plus Lightroom plus various mobile services for only $120 per year. However, switching means going back and downgrading all your Creative Cloud (CC) apps to a version you had licensed previously.
Fortunately, Adobe has now provided us with the capability to do just that. From your Adobe Creative Cloud application, you can install an earlier version of Adobe’s applications (assuming you have a license that is registered using the same Adobe ID), in addition to the CC versions. To do it, make sure you have the latest version of the Creative Cloud app itself. At the top of the window showing the applications you can install you’ll see a dropdown labeled Filters. Simply choose “Previous Version” (pictured below) and — if your previous version is registered to the same Adobe account as you are using for the Creative Cloud — you’ll see the option to install the earlier version of the application — in my case the CS6 version.
You can also use this capability to download an earlier version of an application to run side-by-side with your Creative Cloud version. This can be useful for developers who want to test Actions against multiple versions, or if you need to run a plug-in that isn’t compatible with the latest version, but it probably isn’t something most people will ever need to do. [Read: Photoshop CC: Hands on with camera Shake Reduction, and how it works.]
Downloading old versions isn't exactly rocket science, and it isn't anything you couldn't have done by tracking down the Adobe legacy download page and your serial number, but it is sure a lot more convenient. The same thing will presumably work any time you are setting up a new computer, so this is yet another clever carrot Adobe is providing us with to make sure we all embrace its cloud.
One quick note is that I’ve only tested this feature with an account that has a CS6 license. I didn’t see any of my versions prior to that listed, so I’m not sure how far back Adobe will look for your old licensed version.
Source: ExtremeTech
The Chief Technomancer
VB Kid
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